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What is a fashion film?

Conceptually, fashion films represent a hybrid lifestyle that spans several genres. Produced by brands, designers, storytellers and artists, they often feature fashion in the lead role or as a supporting character.


What’s relevant is the story they tell and the role they play in the consumer’s decision-making process. With film dominating as the most popular content medium, fashion films are quickly growing in prominence as the channel for products and brands to tell their story.

A fashion film is a creative audiovisual production that combines elements of fashion, cinematography, and storytelling. It is a medium used to showcase fashion collections, brand campaigns, or artistic expressions within the fashion industry. Unlike traditional runway shows or static fashion photography, fashion films provide a dynamic and immersive way to convey the aesthetic and narrative behind a fashion brand or designer.

Fashion films can vary in length, style, and format. They often incorporate elements of cinematography, editing techniques, music, visual effects, and storytelling to evoke a specific mood, atmosphere, or concept related to the fashion being presented. Fashion films can range from short, artistic visual pieces to longer narrative-driven productions.

The purpose of a fashion film is to create an emotional connection with the audience and communicate the brand's vision, values, and aesthetic. It allows designers and brands to explore creative concepts, experiment with different visual narratives, and present their collections or campaigns in a visually compelling and engaging way.

Fashion continues to gain popularity due to its ability to transcend traditional boundaries and reach a broader audience through online platforms and social media. They provide a unique platform for filmmakers, designers, stylists, and artists to collaborate and push the boundaries of storytelling within the realm of fashion.

Head over to 'The Studio' for a view submitted, official selection, and short-listed fashion films from our archive and make the decision for yourself! You can also listen to our inaugural festival panel talk “Who said fashion film” here.