REPLICA (trailer)

REPLICA is a choreographic film staging human nature. The one where humans become 'normalized' and adhere more and more to a form of standardization. In this quest, time remains the key because it is after it that humans run, in search of eternal youth. Time, space-time and the time loop remain the enigma of Replica.

Uniformity of everyday life, morals, beauty, styles, ambitions of life, of evolving in society, of loving, of appearing... Each one is an umpteenth replica of the one who thought he was different, in a world where authenticity is dying. In this world where the gaps between "the normal" and "the marginal" are widening, will a simple glance from a small group driven by the love of dance be enough to break the invariable loop in which these replicas seem condemned to wander? And perhaps finally bring to light the beauty of all differences.

« One becomes the replica of the one who sows normality, in an era where normalisation is king » SimonaGun & Mes Lesne

SimonaGun aka, Nicolas Simon, Virna Hagen Auvergne

SimonaGun is the contraction of Nicolas Simon and Virna Hagen. SimonaGun has symbolically become a superheroine borrowed from the codes of anime, a strong and combative woman in an era where men are too often king. Behind this duo is a creative unit that shapes new images. Short, hard-hitting films where music remains the central element. They like raw images, wide shots, broken faces, real life, fat sounds with an acid taste. As if magnetised, they know that together, like the moon and the sun, the balance works. He is the right brain of the team, a true image technician and masters the noble art of craft with ingenuity. She builds the stories, imposes a vision and new characters that finally illustrate the "real life" generation. An obvious alliance that has already seduced brands such as Adidas, Doc Martens, Garnier, Netflix, L'Oréal, Yves Saint Laurent.


The Back Yard


Creatures Paradise