Deepest Secret

A fashion film short, about three sisters and a secret, before the wedding of one of them. The Film features the Italian Wedding gown designer Serafino Couture, of Rome, Italy. The original musical score is a composition of Director and Composer, Elena Maier. The film was shot entirely in the Residenza Principi Ruspoli Cerveteri, in the small town of Cerveteri, Rome, Italy.

Director Statement
Why fashion filmmaking? I am often asked. Because all the facets involved create an overall extremely complex piece of art. Combine design, designers, setting, models, actors, photographic, cinematic, technology, talent, script, soundtrack, ever-changing technologies to attempt to deliver a flawless result.

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Elena Maier


Michel Jaumin

Filming for over 40 years, growing with the technologies afforded at the time results as being labeled an "old school" cinematographer.
Over the past 35 years, built experience with managed big data major multinational companies and government entities.
Michel has produced over 300 Films of various genres, types, and formats.
Has been focused on Fashion Media Production over the past 10 years. It Includes both photographic and Cinematographic.